Flip-flop: Nine sen­a­tors who switched vote on Ukraine aid — and why

Flip-flop: Nine senators who switched vote on Ukraine aid — and why

In a sweep­ing rever­sal, nine sen­a­tors who were against send­ing aid to Ukraine flipped their stance and vot­ed in favor of the aid on Tues­day. 
The vote passed with a wide 79–18 major­i­ty. The Repub­li­can sen­a­tors who were against send­ing aid and then vot­ed in favor are Sens. Katie Britt (R‑AL), Tom Cot­ton (R‑AR), Deb Fis­ch­er (R‑NE), Lind­sey Gra­ham (R‑SC), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R‑MS), James Lank­ford (R‑OK), Mark­wayne Mullin (R‑OK), and Pete Rick­etts (R‑NE).
“It’s just so much eas­i­er to go back home and say, ‘Lis­ten, we’re ask­ing peo­ple to pay us back when they can if they can,’” Gra­ham said. “This is just a much bet­ter pack­age. It’s more robust for Israel.”
“This leg­is­la­tion, while imper­fect, will make crit­i­cal strides to reestab­lish cred­i­ble Amer­i­can deter­rence and move us clos­er to restor­ing the peac …