Here’s What’s Hap­pen­ing In The Ida­ho Abor­tion Case At The Supreme Court

Here’s What’s Happening In The Idaho Abortion Case At The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is con­sid­er­ing a chal­lenge to Idaho’s abor­tion ban this week, the first time the court has con­sid­ered whether a state abor­tion ban is con­sti­tu­tion­al since the demise of Roe v. Wade.
The court heard oral argu­ments on Wednes­day in a case known as Moyle v. Unit­ed States, which deals with whether Ida­ho emer­gency room doc­tors are required by fed­er­al law to per­form abor­tions to sta­bi­lize preg­nant women in med­ical crises.
Ida­ho bans all abor­tions except to save the life of the moth­er or in cas­es of rape and incest. Doc­tors who per­form abor­tions can face crim­i­nal penal­ties, includ­ing up to five …