House Dem Cen­trists Push For Bor­der Secu­ri­ty After Biden Signs For­eign Aid Bill

House Dem Centrists Push For Border Security After Biden Signs Foreign Aid Bill

A group of cen­trist House Democ­rats called on Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and Con­gress to take steps toward secur­ing the U.S.-Mexico bor­der on Wednes­day.
Reps. Marie Glue­senkamp Perez (D‑WA), Jared Gold­en (D‑ME), Mary Pel­to­la (D‑AK), Vicente Gon­za­lez (D‑TX), and Don Davis (D‑NC) — all of whom have 2024 races rat­ed “toss up” or “lean Demo­c­rat,” accord­ing to The Cook Polit­i­cal Report — released a state­ment after Biden signed a $95 bil­lion for­eign aid pack­age into law.
“Our nation­al secu­ri­ty inter­ests don’t stop at our phys­i­cal bor­ders. That is why we vot­ed to send more weapons to Ukraine for its fight against Rus­sia,” they said. “The les­son of Pearl Har­bor must not be for­got­ten: appease­ment invites aggres­sion against us. As Speak­er [Mike] John­son stat­ed last week, we would rather send ‘bul­lets than Amer­i­can boys.’”

After Biden signs the for­eign aid bill, a group of cen­trist House Democ­rats issues a state­ment say­ing he and Con­gress “must act and …