‘The Dai­ly Show’ Takes A Bite Out Of Biden’s ‘Uncle Bosie’ Sto­ry: ‘Would A Can­ni­bal Even Eat Peo­ple Out Of A Wreck?’

‘The Daily Show’ Takes A Bite Out Of Biden’s ‘Uncle Bosie’ Story: ‘Would A Cannibal Even Eat People Out Of A Wreck?’

“The Dai­ly Show” took a bite out of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s recent claim that his uncle Ambrose Finnegan — “Uncle Bosie” — might have been eat­en by can­ni­bals after his plane went down dur­ing World War II.
Biden told the sto­ry dur­ing a cam­paign stop in Penn­syl­va­nia last week, say­ing that “Uncle Bosie” had been a part of the Army Air Corps in the Pacif­ic when he was “shot down” over Papua New Guinea.
“He flew those sin­gle-engine planes as recon­nais­sance over war zones, and he got shot down in New Guinea. They nev­er found the body because there used to be, there were a lot of can­ni­bals, for real, in that part of New Guinea,” Biden said at the time.
Both the Defense POW/MIA Account­ing Agency and Papua New Guinea Prime Min­is­ter James Marape tell dif­fer­ent sto­ries, how­ev­er. Accord­ing to the Defense POW/MIA Account­ing Agency, Finnegan’s plane w …