Karine Jean-Pierre argues ‘the job is hard’ in serv­ing as press sec­re­tary

Karine Jean-Pierre argues ‘the job is hard’ in serving as press secretary

White House press sec­re­tary Karine Jean-Pierre claims she has a dif­fi­cult job when answer­ing ques­tions from the press.
Jean-Pierre had been asked about video of her danc­ing with the cast of A Dif­fer­ent World, who vis­it­ed the White House ear­li­er this month. The press sec­re­tary explained that she likes to lis­ten to var­i­ous songs from artists like Bey­once and Tay­lor Swift before she takes the podi­um for press con­fer­ences.

“So we’re try­ing to get, ’cause the job is hard,” Jean-Pierre said on the day­time talk show Sher­ri. “The job is hard, and it’s hard not just for me, but for all of my col­leagues. It’s a dif­fi­cult job what we’re try­ing to do on behalf of the Amer­i­can peo­ple for this pres­i­dent.”
[embed­ded con­tent]
Jean-Pierre also talked about how she came to know Pres­i­dent Joe Biden when he was vice pres­i­dent for then-Pres­i­dent Barack Oba …