Speak­er John­son Says Biden White House Is ‘Cav­ing’ To ‘Pro-Hamas Wing’ Of Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty

Speaker Johnson Says Biden White House Is ‘Caving’ To ‘Pro-Hamas Wing’ Of Democratic Party

House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) accused the White House on Wednes­day of “cav­ing” to anti-Semi­tism that he believes is get­ting too much of a pass in today’s Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty.
A “real prob­lem” right now is a lack of “strong lead­er­ship” from the White House and Democ­rats in Con­gress, John­son told radio host Hugh Hewitt in an inter­view.
“I mean, the White House is cav­ing to the anti­se­mit­ic — I call it the pro-Hamas wing of the par­ty. Now they backpedaled on their sup­port for Israel,” John­son said.
Although Biden has declared “iron­clad” sup­port for Israel and backs aid for the coun­try, he has also tak­en actions that could alle­vi­ate blow­back from pro-Pales­tin­ian allies, inclu­di …