Haley protest vote gives Biden chance for out­reach in swing state Penn­syl­va­nia

Haley protest vote gives Biden chance for outreach in swing state Pennsylvania

The lev­el of sup­port for for­mer U.N. Ambas­sador Nik­ki Haley in Pennsylvania‘s pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry rais­es ques­tions about Repub­li­can nom­i­nee Don­ald Trump‘s stand­ing with­in his own par­ty.
She dropped out of the race more than a month ago, yet more than 155,000 Penn­syl­va­nia Repub­li­cans vot­ed for her over the for­mer pres­i­dent.
Yet it also presents an oppor­tu­ni­ty for Trump’s rival, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. He has attempt­ed to court those vot­ers as part of his reelec­tion bid, but that effort could prove espe­cial­ly use­ful in Penn­syl­va­nia, a swing state that he won by just over 80,000 votes in 2020, or 1 per­cent­age point.

The out­come in Pennsylvania’s closed Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry on Tues­day, in which Haley received 17% of the vote, was not a one-off. The for­mer South Car­oli­na gov­er­nor notched 13% of the vote in …