John­son works to turn down House tem­per­a­ture as rebels weigh revolt

Posted in Trump
Johnson works to turn down House temperature as rebels weigh revolt

Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) is mov­ing to cool House ten­sions as a band of hard-line Repub­li­cans weigh whether to set in motion an attempt at his ouster.
Con­ser­v­a­tives are livid with John­son over a series of bills he put on the floor, most recent­ly for­eign aid for Ukraine that a major­i­ty of Repub­li­cans opposed. Rep. Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene (R‑GA) filed a motion to remove him as speak­er in March, but she has so far held off on forc­ing a vote.
John­son could bring sta­bil­i­ty to what has been a chaot­ic Con­gress if the House raised the thresh­old on that motion, which a sin­gle mem­ber can bring for­ward today. Senior Repub­li­cans have urged him to pur­sue these and oth­er changes to neu­tral­ize the threat posed by his right flank.
But John­son has shied away from any steps that would be per­ceived as ret­ri­bu­tion, fear­ing the domi­no effect it might cause in a cham­ber h …