Pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers heck­le White House Cor­re­spon­dents’ Din­ner atten­dees: ‘Shame on you’

Pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers lined the streets out­side the Wash­ing­ton Hilton on Sat­ur­day evening, shout­ing “Shame on you” at jour­nal­ists and oth­ers head­ing to the White House Cor­re­spon­dents’ Din­ner.
As the Israel-Hamas war drags on in Gaza, protests have swept through col­lege cam­pus­es across the Unit­ed States this week, with activists accus­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden of being com­plic­it in geno­cide against Pales­tini­ans. The pres­i­dent is set to deliv­er remarks Sat­ur­day night to thou­sands of jour­nal­ists and celebri­ties, who also became the tar­get of the pro­test­ers’ ire.

Pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers shout “Shame on you” at White House Cor­re­spon­dents’ Din­ner atten­dees on Sat­ur­day, April 27, 2024, in Wash­ing­ton. (Marisa Schultz/Washington Exam­in­er)

Oth­er chants direct­ed at jour­nal­ists includ­ed “Quit your job” and “Every time the media lies, a neigh­bor­hood in Gaza dies.” On …