Houthi rebels strike Greek oil tanker in Red Sea: US

The Iran­ian-backed Houthi rebels con­duct­ed a mis­sile strike on the Greek oil tanker M/T Wind on Sat­ur­day in the Red Sea, accord­ing to a release from U.S. Cen­tral Com­mand.
The anti-ship bal­lis­tic missile’s impact “caused flood­ing which result­ed in the of loss propul­sion and steer­ing,” accord­ing to CENTCOM. “A coali­tion ves­sel imme­di­ate­ly respond­ed to the dis­tress call by M/T Wind, but no assis­tance was need­ed. The crew of M/T Wind was able to restore propul­sion and steer­ing, and no casu­al­ties were report­ed. M/T Wind resumed its course under its own pow­er.”
The strike is the lat­est on a long list of Houthi attacks, which began in late 2023, short­ly after the begin­ning of the Israel-Hamas war. The Jew­ish state began bom­bard­ing Gaza in the wake of the ter­ror­ist group’s dead­ly Oct. 7 attack, prompt­ing the Houthis to respond by tak­ing aim at ships in the Red Sea.