Heli­copter car­ry­ing Iran’s pres­i­dent suf­fers a ‘hard land­ing,’ state TV says with­out fur­ther details

Helicopter carrying Iran’s president suffers a ‘hard landing,’ state TV says without further details

DUBAI, Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates (AP) — A heli­copter car­ry­ing Iran­ian Pres­i­dent Ebrahim Raisi suf­fered a “hard land­ing” on Sun­day, Iran­ian state media report­ed, with­out imme­di­ate­ly elab­o­rat­ing.
Raisi was trav­el­ing in Iran’s East Azer­bai­jan province. State TV said the inci­dent hap­pened near Jol­fa, a city on the bor­der with the nation of Azer­bai­jan, some 600 kilo­me­ters (375 miles) north­west of the Iran­ian cap­i­tal, Tehran.
Trav­el­ing with Raisi were Iran’s For­eign Min­is­ter Hos­sein Amirab­dol­lahi­an, the gov­er­nor of Iran’s East Azer­bai­jan province and oth­er offi …