Politi­co Media Crit­ic: Fox News Cov­er­age of Trump Tri­al’s Some­how a ‘Brownout’

<div>Politico Media Critic: Fox News Coverage of Trump Trial's Somehow a 'Brownout'</div>

Politi­co senior media writer Jack Shafer argued on Sat­ur­day that Fox’s cov­er­age of the Trump tri­al in Man­hat­tan exposed a pro­pa­gan­da net­work — while CNN and MSNBC going into gav­el-to-gav­el over­drive does not? The head­line:

Fox News Is Flip­ping Trump’s Tri­al Cov­er­age on its Head
The con­ser­v­a­tive net­work is curat­ing its cov­er­age to boost Trump.

The lib­er­al net­works are curat­ing their cov­er­age to dam­age Trump – except it seems to help him instead. The lib­er­als think of their obses­sion as the def­i­n­i­tion of “nor­mal” news judg­ment. How could any­one dis­sent from their journ …