North Car­oli­na GOP gov­er­nor can­di­date Mark Robin­son plans to remake state gov­ern­ment if elect­ed

North Carolina GOP governor candidate Mark Robinson plans to remake state government if elected

North Car­oli­na gov­er­nor can­di­date Mark Robin­son plans to “bring change” to the state’s gov­ern­ment if he is elect­ed this Novem­ber, lay­ing out his plans in a wide-rang­ing speech this week­end.
The Repub­li­can lieu­tenant gov­er­nor keyed in on edu­ca­tion as he spoke at the North Car­oli­na Repub­li­can Par­ty Con­ven­tion in Greens­boro, slam­ming school offi­cials “who think they know more than you, know your chil­dren bet­ter than you, who believe it’s okay to feed your chil­dren a steady diet of com­mu­nism and pornog­ra­phy,” per state out­let WRAL. He also shared how he believes the Tar Heel State’s econ­o­my is ready to “explode.”
“North Car­oli­na is lit­er­al­ly on the cusp of explod­ing eco­nom­i­cal­ly,” Robin­son said. “It’s time for us to direct that explo­sion in the right way and cause this state to be some­thing bet­ter than it already is.”

Lt. Gov. Mark Robin­son sp …