Trump’s Bronx Ral­ly And The Wrath of Spurned Media Gate­keep­ers

Much of the media analy­sis of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s vis­it to the South Bronx cen­ters around whether it was elec­toral­ly savvy or good cam­paign strat­e­gy. Lit­tle has been said about the out­break of big­otry vom­it­ed over the air­waves sub­se­quent to the ral­ly.
Most rep­re­sen­ta­tive of this is The View host Ana Navarro’s bil­ious exchange with CNN’s Jim Acos­ta, which at the time was cov­ered by our very own Alex Christy (click “expand” to view tran­script):

JIM ACOSTA: I mean, you and I’ve talked about this many times about his rhetoric, the rhetoric he uses to talk about migrants and …