Trump’s lawyer says noth­ing will stop his cam­paign — includ­ing a jail sen­tence

Trump’s lawyer says nothing will stop his campaign — including a jail sentence

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s lawyer Ali­na Hab­ba assured the pub­lic that not even jail would stop his pres­i­den­tial cam­paign.
Hab­ba addressed the lat­est on the cam­paign dur­ing an inter­view on the BBC, which aired a pre­view Sat­ur­day. The entire inter­view with anchor Lau­ra Kuenss­berg will be released Sun­day.
“[Trump] is run­ning for pres­i­dent,” Hab­ba said. “Noth­ing will change that.”
“Even if he ends up being locked up?” Kuenss­berg asked.
“I rec­om­mend you find the lat­est pause in this coun­try from the peo­ple that live in this coun­try, the peo­ple that need him in this coun­try because frankly, it’s more impor­tant than any­thing any­body else thinks,” Hab­ba said. “Our peo­ple are speak­ing loud­ly, they’re donat­ing, they’re small donors, and they’re stand­ing up because they’re afraid because we can­not have this hap­pen to us.”
Even though Trump lost his tri­al, it has cor­re­lat­ed with an increase in finan­cial sup­port for the Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date. The Trump cam­paign raised $1.5 mil­lion after the first day in court and then d …