Biden impeach­ment hear­ing to hap­pen ‘with or with­out’ Hunter, Com­er says

Posted in Biden
Biden impeachment hearing to happen ‘with or without’ Hunter, Comer says

House Over­sight Com­mit­tee Chair­man James Com­er (R‑KY) told Hunter Biden he still plans to hold an impeach­ment inquiry hear­ing next week after the first son declined an invi­ta­tion to appear as a wit­ness.
Com­er also asked Biden, accord­ing to a let­ter pub­lished Fri­day, to recon­sid­er his deci­sion not to attend after Biden this week reneged on his offer to tes­ti­fy in a pub­lic set­ting.
Biden had ini­tial­ly said he only want­ed to tes­ti­fy pub­licly amid pres­sure from House law­mak­ers to appear for a closed-door depo­si­tion, but the first son even­tu­al­ly relent­ed and appeared for a depo­si­tion last month.
Com­er chid­ed Biden for his deci­sion, say­ing the “only con­clu­sion that one can reach is that Mr. Biden knows his pub­lic tes­ti­mo­ny would not with­stand scruti­ny.”
The chair­man also invit­ed three of Biden’s for­mer bu …