Doing Biden’s Bid­ding? Nets HID Incon­ve­nient Truth on Job Num­bers Revi­sion

Doing Biden’s Bidding? Nets HID Inconvenient Truth on Job Numbers Revision

The Big Three net­works have been caught play­ing the game they so often do: bury­ing facts that destroy their nar­ra­tive.
This time, the evening news­casts at NBC News, CBS News and ABC News hid the fact that the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics revised the Jan­u­ary jobs num­bers far below what it had ini­tial­ly report­ed.
When the orig­i­nal Jan­u­ary jobs num­bers were released ear­li­er this year, left­ist news out­lets jumped up and down in sup­port of Biden, even claim­ing tha …