Fair­fax Schools To Let Stu­dents Opt Out Of Holo­caust Les­son, Cit­ing Stu­dents With ‘Dif­fer­ent Expe­ri­ences’

Fairfax Schools To Let Students Opt Out Of Holocaust Lesson, Citing Students With ‘Different Experiences’

Virginia’s largest school dis­trict will let stu­dents skip a pre­sen­ta­tion from a Holo­caust sur­vivor, say­ing the diverse dis­trict includes stu­dents with “dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ences.”
“We under­stand that all stu­dents have dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ences. If you pre­fer to opt your child out from par­tic­i­pat­ing in this pre­sen­ta­tion, please email your child’s his­to­ry teacher and they will be pro­vid­ed an alter­nate assign­ment. Please email your child’s his­to­ry teacher with any ques­tions that you may have,” a let­ter from Coop­er Mid­dle School said.
The let­ter referred to a sched­uled pre­sen­ta­tion from a Holo­caust sur­vivor to sev­enth-graders, accord­ing to Adele Scalia, a moth­er of one of those mid­dle school­ers.

A Holo­caust …