Judge grants Trump 30-day delay in New York hush mon­ey tri­al

Judge grants Trump 30-day delay in New York hush money trial

New York Judge Juan Mer­chan approved a request to delay for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s hush mon­ey tri­al by 30 days on Fri­day, mean­ing the tri­al is now expect­ed to begin in the mid­dle of April.
Trump’s lawyers ini­tial­ly request­ed a 90-day delay after they were giv­en thou­sands of pages of new doc­u­ments from fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors, but Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg said he and his team of pros­e­cu­tors were OK with a 30-day delay instead.
The new doc­u­ments are relat­ed to Michael Cohen’s guilty plea to mul­ti­ple crim­i­nal charges in 2018, includ­ing charges that he paid hush mon­ey to mul­ti­ple women who claim they have had an affair with Trump. 
Bragg claimed on Thurs­day that the new doc­u­ments are “large­ly irrel­e­vant to the sub­ject mat­ter of this case” and that anoth­er 15,000 pages turned over by the U.S. Attorney’s Office on Fri­day are also not expect­ed to be rel­e­vant to the case. He pre­vi­ous­ly request­ed some of the mate­r­i­al last year but was denied. Trump’s attor­neys lat­er sub­poe­na …