Recall Vos orga­niz­ers shift blame for faulty sig­na­tures, recall fail­ures

Recall Vos organizers shift blame for faulty signatures, recall failures

(The Cen­ter Square) – The peo­ple behind the Recall Vos effort con­tin­ue to say they didn’t col­lect poten­tial­ly fraud­u­lent sig­na­tures and are hint­ing that a con­spir­a­cy is to blame.
Recall Vos orga­niz­ers on Mon­day tried to shift the blame for their appar­ent fail­ure to get enough sig­na­tures to trig­ger a recall elec­tion.
“Recall Vos has faced delib­er­ate obsta­cles intend­ed to derail our efforts, orches­trat­ed by those adept in manip­u­la­tive polit­i­cal tac­tics. This sab­o­tage involved recruit­ing indi­vid­u­als from out­side Wis­con­sin to intr …