Trump files defama­tion law­suit against George Stephanopou­los and ABC News over Nan­cy Mace inter­view

Trump files defamation lawsuit against George Stephanopoulos and ABC News over Nancy Mace interview

Attor­neys for for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump named ABC News and George Stephanopou­los in a law­suit Mon­day that accused the defen­dants of defama­tion and tar­nish­ing Trump’s rep­u­ta­tion.
The legal action was filed in Mia­mi on the heels of the viral Stephanopou­los inter­view with Rep. Nan­cy Mace (R‑SC), dur­ing which the jour­nal­ist said Trump had been found “liable for rape,” accord­ing to a report.
“I’m ask­ing a very sim­ple ques­tion,” Stephanopou­los told Mace, who is a vic­tim of rape. “I’m ask­ing a ques­tion about why you endorse some­one who has been found liable for rape. … Just answer the ques­tion.”
Stephanopoulos’s errant asser­tion that the for­mer pres­i­dent was found “liable for rape” refers to Trump’s case against E. Jean Car­roll, where Trump was found liable for “sex­u­al abuse” and not rape. 
Trump’s attor­ney Ale­jan­dro Brito alleges in a now-filed 20-page com­plaint that Stephanopou­los made the claims “with actu­al mal­ice or with a reck­less dis­re­ga …