The Kate Mid­dle­ton Pho­to Dra­ma, A Time­line

The Kate Middleton Photo Drama, A Timeline

The world has become obsessed with the cur­rent sta­tus of Kate Mid­dle­ton, Princess of Wales, all thanks to a pho­to edit­ing fail.
The duchess spent a lot of time in the pub­lic eye as the wife of heir appar­ent to the British throne, Prince William. For years, Kate’s been attend­ing events look­ing put-togeth­er and smil­ing, even pos­ing for pho­tos – in high heels – hours after giv­ing birth to the couple’s third child, Prince Louis.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Her strength and resilience are part of what is feed­ing the online con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists who are con­vinced some­thing awful has hap­pened to the Princess of Wales. Kens­ing­ton Palace first announced in Jan­u­ary that the duchess would be tak­ing a break fr …