Tik­Tok Fanat­ic Threat­ens U.S. Sen­a­tor Over Bill To Force Sale Of App: ‘I Will Find You And Shoot You’

TikTok Fanatic Threatens U.S. Senator Over Bill To Force Sale Of App: ‘I Will Find You And Shoot You’

An avid sup­port­er of Tik­Tok — a con­tro­ver­sial social media app that is owned by ByteDance, a Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty-con­trolled com­pa­ny — threat­ened to mur­der Sen. Thom Tillis (R‑NC) this week over a bill in the U.S. Sen­ate that would force the sale of the com­pa­ny or else it will be banned in the U.S.
“This is a voice­mail my office received last night,” Tillis post­ed on X. “TikTok’s mis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign is push­ing peo­ple to call their mem­bers of Con­gress, and callers like this who com­mu­ni­cate threats agains …