Fani Willis push­ing for sum­mer Trump tri­al even as her fate on case hangs in bal­ance: Report

Fani Willis pushing for summer Trump trial even as her fate on case hangs in balance: Report

Ful­ton Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney Fani Willis is report­ed­ly still hop­ing to start for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s Geor­gia 2020 elec­tion inter­fer­ence tri­al before Elec­tion Day, even as she still faces the pos­si­bil­i­ty of being dis­qual­i­fied from the case.
Willis is aim­ing to push for­ward with the tri­al and is expect­ed to ask the judge for the tri­al to start as soon as this sum­mer, a report from CNN cit­ing three peo­ple famil­iar with Willis’s think­ing said. The dis­trict attor­ney had pre­vi­ous­ly asked for an Aug. 5 tri­al date, which would be three months before Elec­tion Day.
While Willis has sought a tri­al in the com­ing months, Trump and his co-defen­dants are still look­ing to get her dis­qual­i­fied from pros­e­cut­ing the case against him despite Judge Scott McAfee’s deci­sion to allow Willis to stay on the case. On Wednes­day, McAfee gave per­mis­sion to Trump and sev­en oth­er co-defen­dants to appeal his …