PBS Fan­girls for Biden’s Tik­Tok Tac­tic: ‘Unvar­nished, Relat­able, and Gen­uine’

On the PBS New­sHour Tues­day evening, White House reporter Lau­ra Bar­ron-Lopez gushed over the Biden 2024 campaign’s social media push on Tik­Tok and YouTube, a des­per­ate attempt to get hip with the kids, in “How social media influ­encers are play­ing a role in the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion.”
The head­line aside, the seg­ment itself was almost com­plete­ly ded­i­cat­ed to gush­ing over Biden’s social media strat­e­gy, with pro-Trump efforts tacked on as a throw­away at the end. (Annoy­ing young influ­encer Har­ry Sis­son was a par­tic­u­lar focus.)

Anchor Geoff Ben­nett: Social media influ­encers are play­ing a key role in Pres­i­dent Biden …