Dem’s Job Cre­ation Talk­ing Point Reveals Poli­ti­Fac­t’s Dou­ble Stan­dards

Pro­fes­sion­al fact-check­ers love to add con­text to their arti­cles to argue why the claim made by who­ev­er they are check­ing is more com­pli­cat­ed than the claimant is sug­gest­ing. This can also be evi­dence of dou­ble stan­dards.
On March 14, Poli­ti­Fact gave GOP Wis­con­sin GOP Sen­ate hope­ful Eric Hov­de a “half-true” rat­ing for a fac­tu­al­ly cor­rect state­ment about Sen. Tam­my Baldwin’s spend­ing record. It jus­ti­fied itself by claim­ing the issue of the nation­al debt is more nuanced, but on Thurs­day it gave Demo­c­ra­t­ic strate­gist Simon Rosen­berg a “most­ly-true” rat­ing for stat­ing that 96 per­cent of jobs have been cre­at­ed under Demo …