Truth Social could save Trump’s assets — but bil­lions might come too late

Truth Social could save Trump’s assets — but billions might come too late

As for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump strug­gles to post his $464 mil­lion bond in the New York civ­il fraud case, Truth Social going pub­lic looked like it might have been his sav­ing grace.
Except he won’t be able to turn his shares into cash for six months, and his bond is due Mon­day. 
Investors signed off on a deal that allowed the for­mer president’s social media com­pa­ny, which oper­ates Truth Social, to be trad­ed pub­licly on the stock mar­ket. Trump’s esti­mat­ed $3 bil­lion he stands to make is tied up, how­ev­er, in a “lock up agree­ment,” which is a nor­mal safe­ty mea­sure to ensure investors don’t imme­di­ate­ly jump ship on a com­pa­ny that goes pub­lic and dri­ves stock prices down. 
“It’s sim­ply trad­ing on Trump’s name,” Kristi Mar­vin, founder of SPACIn­sid­er, a research firm, told Politi­co. “Peo­ple aren’t buy­ing this because they like the fun­da­men­tals — …