Bill Maher mocks Demo­c­ra­t­ic politi­cians for ‘racial pan­der­ing’ in 2024 cam­paigns

Bill Maher mocks Democratic politicians for ‘racial pandering’ in 2024 campaigns

Talk show host Bill Maher sug­gest­ed Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­dates quit “pan­der­ing” to minori­ties as a cam­paign tac­tic.
Maher brought up the top­ic on his Fri­day show Real Time with Bill Maher, where he intro­duces “new rules” for his audi­ence to fol­low. The most recent rule was “to stop talk­ing about the things that make Amer­i­cans dif­fer­ent from each oth­er and start hon­or­ing the things that make us the same.”
“So let my peo­ple, the Irish, lead the way because again the Irish think, ‘I don’t give a s***.’ But I do give a s*** about who wins the next elec­tion. And out­dat­ed racial pan­der­ing is one rea­son Democ­rats lose elec­tions,” Maher said. “It’s not work­ing for them or for us. Democ­rats are hem­or­rhag­ing the very vot­ers they think they’r …