Kamala Har­ris doesn’t rule out con­se­quences for Israel if it enters Rafah

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris warned Sun­day there could be “con­se­quences” for Israel if it invades Rafah.
“Let me tell you some­thing: I have stud­ied the maps. There’s nowhere for those folks to go,” Har­ris said. When asked if there would be con­se­quences from the U.S. if an inva­sion hap­pens, she said, “We’re going to take it one step at a time” and that she was “rul­ing out noth­ing.”
Harris’s warn­ing against Israel’s planned inva­sion of the south­ern Gaza city came dur­ing an inter­view that aired on ABC’s This Week.
Pales­tini­ans have tra­versed to the south­ern por­tion of Gaza by the thou­sands due to fighti …