Har­ris denies Putin’s claim that Moscow gun­men were en route to Ukraine

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris dis­put­ed claims that Ukraine was involved in the attack at a Moscow con­cert, direct­ly oppos­ing Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin.
Har­ris appeared in a seg­ment that aired Sun­day on This Week in the days after the Moscow mass shoot­ing and fires that killed at least 130 peo­ple in a con­cert hall. Four peo­ple dressed in cam­ou­flage entered the con­cert hall and unloaded their auto­mat­ic weapons into the crowd. Putin claimed the gun­men, along with an addi­tion­al sev­en oth­ers, were on their way to Ukraine when they were cap­tured. Har­ris was asked if there was any evi­dence to sup­port Putin’s claims.
“First, let me start by say­ing what has hap­pened in an act of ter­ror­ism, and the num­ber of peo­ple who have been killed, is obvi­ous­ly a tragedy, and we should all send our con­do­lences to those fam­i­lies,” Har­ris said. “There is no, what­so­ev­er, any evi­dence and, in fact, what we know to be the case is that ISIS‑K is actu­al­ly, by all accounts, respon­si­ble for what hap­pened.”
ISIS‑K is the Afghan branch of the ter­ror­ist group and has claimed cred­it for the attack. Putin made no men­tion of the group dur­ing his Sat­ur­day state­ment to the coun­try.