House Demo­c­rat col­lects thou­sands in cor­po­rate PAC mon­ey after swear­ing it off

House Democrat collects thousands in corporate PAC money after swearing it off

A fresh­man Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­gress­man has raked in tens of thou­sands of dol­lars from polit­i­cal action com­mit­tees tied to cor­po­ra­tions despite pledg­ing to refuse cor­po­rate cash, records show.
Rep. Shri Thanedar (D‑MI) vowed on the cam­paign trail in 2022 “nev­er to take a dime of cor­po­rate PAC mon­ey.”
“We need to ensure our gov­ern­ment is focused on improv­ing the day to day lives of every­day Amer­i­cans, not the priv­i­leged few,” Thanedar said at the time. But since enter­ing the halls of Con­gress, Thanedar has hummed a dif­fer­ent tune. At least $36,000 flowed to his cam­paign com­bined from PACs for Google, Pfiz­er, Wal­mart, Ver­i­zon, Toy­ota, Lock­heed Mar­tin, and oth­er cor­po­ra­tions, accord­ing to Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion fil­ings.
“These con­tri­bu­tions make up less than 1% of my over­all cam­paign funds,” Thanedar told the Detroit News. The law­mak­er said in a state­ment to the out­let pub­lished Sun …