Trump Scores Legal Win As New York Appeals Court Allows Him To Post Low­er Bond In Civ­il Fraud Judg­ment

Trump Scores Legal Win As New York Appeals Court Allows Him To Post Lower Bond In Civil Fraud Judgment

Don­ald Trump secured a vic­to­ry in a New York appeals court on Mon­day as the court will allow the for­mer pres­i­dent to post a sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er bond in his civ­il busi­ness fraud judg­ment.
Instead of post­ing a bond of $464 mil­lion, the appeals court ruled that Trump must now guar­an­tee $175 mil­lion, ABC News cor­re­spon­dent Aaron Kater­sky report­ed. The appeals court rul­ing also means that Trump can con­tin­ue to run his busi­ness in New York and gives him an addi­tion­al 10 days to post the $175 mil­lion bond, accord­ing to CNN.