‘Pre­ten­tious Bull****’: News­Na­tion Takes on NBC Journos Attack­ing New GOP Hire

‘Pretentious Bull****’: NewsNation Takes on NBC Journos Attacking New GOP Hire

Hours before news broke that NBC News may be fir­ing their new­ly hired Repub­li­can polit­i­cal ana­lyst, for­mer RNC Chair­woman Ron­na McDaniel, News­Na­tion stuck it to their cable news rival. Dur­ing Mon­day night’s Cuo­mo, cor­re­spon­dent at-large Ger­al­do Rivera called out their “pre­ten­tious bull­shit,” and host Chris Cuo­mo pro­claimed that “the hypocrisy reeks” at the net­work.
Cuo­mo led into the seg­ment by call­ing out his for­mer morn­ing show rivals (when he co-host­ed CNN’s New Day) for their rank “hypocrisy” in call­ing for McDaniel’s ouster when they ben­e­fit­ted from being pals with Don­ald Trump before he got elect­ed:

Look, I have no beef. But it was okay for you, Mika [Brzezin­s­ki] and Joe [Scar­bor­ough], to have Trump on all the time to talk to him about what ques­tions to ask, right? When it was work­ing for you when he was run­ning, right? When you guys are all pals, that was ok, right? You have any prob­lem with that, right? Just because you went bad on him when it became con­ve­nient because you work at a lefty ou …