Swing-state saga: Biden claws his way back to chal­lenge Trump in hand­ful of key states

Swing-state saga: Biden claws his way back to challenge Trump in handful of key states

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is clos­ing the gap with for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump in sev­er­al swing states, accord­ing to a Bloomberg/Morning Con­sult poll.
For the first time in months, Biden appears com­pet­i­tive with Trump in key states. The poll was con­duct­ed from March 8 to 15, giv­ing vot­ers a chance to weigh Biden’s fiery State of the Union address.
Biden per­formed the best in Rust Belt states, such as Michi­gan, Penn­syl­va­nia, and Wis­con­sin, where he either led by 1 point or was tied with Trump. How­ev­er, the for­mer pres­i­dent main­tained a sig­nif­i­cant mar­gin in Ari­zona by 5 points and North Car­oli­na by 6.
In Neva­da, Biden drew close to Trump at 46%-44%, with­in the poll’s mar­gin of error. Trump’s lead grew in Geor­gia, where he is up by 7 against Biden.
Vot­ers were over­all opti­mistic about local economies but did not feel the same about the nation­al econ­o­my. Of the peo­ple polled, 32% said they were opti­mistic about the nation­al econ­o­my, while 53% were opti­misti …