Matt Gaetz urges Speak­er John­son to inter­vene with Hunter Biden law­suit against IRS

Matt Gaetz urges Speaker Johnson to intervene with Hunter Biden lawsuit against IRS

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R‑FL) is press­ing House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) to inter­vene with Hunter Biden’s legal chal­lenge against the Inter­nal Rev­enue Ser­vice in order to shield the whistle­blow­ers who report­ed details about the president’s son’s alleged tax fraud.
In a let­ter sent to John­son on Wednes­day, Gaetz urged the speak­er to direct the House Office of Gen­er­al Coun­sel to get involved in Robert Hunter Biden v. Inter­nal Rev­enue Ser­vice after Hunter Biden sued the agency late last year. Gaetz argued the law­suit is being used as the “only avail­able action” for Biden to silence the whistle­blow­ers who first report­ed de …