Two bod­ies pulled from Bal­ti­more bridge wreck­age as offi­cials warn of haz­ardous mate­ri­als aboard ship

Two bodies pulled from Baltimore bridge wreckage as officials warn of hazardous materials aboard ship

The bod­ies of two of the six miss­ing con­struc­tion work­ers were recov­ered from a red truck that had sunk into the Bal­ti­more Har­bor on Wednes­day, accord­ing to the Mary­land State Police.
The two men have been iden­ti­fied as 35-year-old Ale­jan­dro Her­nan­dez Fuentes from Mex­i­co and 26-year-old Dor­lian Ronial Castil­lo Cabr­era from Guatemala, accord­ing to Col. Roland L. But­ler Jr., Mary­land police super­in­ten­dent. The fam­i­lies of Fuentes and Cabr­era have been noti­fied.
The oth­er four con­struc­tion work­ers are also pre­sumed dead, and oth­er vehi­cles believed to be in the water are prob­a­bly sur­round­ed by rub­ble from the col­lapse, But­ler said. 

Col. Roland L. But­ler Jr., super­in­ten­dent for Mary­land State Police, speaks in Dun­dalk, Mary­land, on Tues­day, March 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Ted Shaf­frey)

“Because of the super­struc­ture sur­round­ing what we believe were the vehi­cles and the amount of con­crete and debris, divers are no longer able to safe­ly nav­i­gate and oper­ate around that,” he said. “We have exhaust­ed all search efforts.”
The six con­struc­tion work­ers are all immi­grants from Hon­duras, Guatemala, Mex­i­co, and …