Joe Rogan Torch­es ‘Effem­i­nate’ NYT Reporters: ‘Ultra Hard-Left Activists That Are Mas­querad­ing As Jour­nal­ists’

Joe Rogan Torches ‘Effeminate’ NYT Reporters: ‘Ultra Hard-Left Activists That Are Masquerading As Journalists’

Pod­cast giant Joe Rogan mocked jour­nal­ists at The New York Times this week for being out-of-touch with aver­age Amer­i­cans, call­ing them far-Left activists mas­querad­ing as jour­nal­ists.
Rogan made the remarks while talk­ing about how The New York Times was cre­at­ing Insta­gram videos fea­tur­ing its reporters talk­ing about the top­ics they cov­er at the news­pa­per.
“They don’t under­stand what they’re doing,” Rogan said. “This is exact­ly who we thought was writ­ing these things. It’s like this very effem­i­nate guy and this woman that it’s like, the kind of woman that seems like she f***ing [w …