Meg­yn Kel­ly sug­gests NBC News exec­u­tive to be fired over Ron­na McDaniel blun­der

Posted in Trump
Megyn Kelly suggests NBC News executive to be fired over Ronna McDaniel blunder

Since for­mer Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Ron­na McDaniel was hired and prompt­ly fired from NBC News this week, oth­er media per­son­al­i­ties, includ­ing for­mer com­men­ta­tor Meg­yn Kel­ly, are expect­ing more fir­ings.
Sir­ius XM’s The Meg­yn Kel­ly Show on Thurs­day fea­tured the hosts of the Fifth Col­umn pod­cast, Kmele Fos­ter, Matt Welch, and Michael Moyni­han, to dis­cuss McDaniel’s fir­ing. Kel­ly her­self was pre­vi­ous­ly fired from NBC for com­ments made about Hal­loween cos­tumes and the defense of using tan­ning spray when depict­ing some char­ac­ters. Kel­ly polled the pan­el Thurs­day to ask if there was sus­pi­cion regard­ing whether exec­u­tives at MSNBC or NBC News were on the chop­ping block.
“I pre­dict yes,” Welch respond­ed, while Moyni­han agreed.
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The pan­el scoffed at NBC News Chair­man Cesar Conde call­ing for the …