PBS Sees Trump End­ing CRT, Trans Ide­ol­o­gy in School as McCarthyite Anti-LGBTQ ‘Purge’

The Wednes­day edi­tion of the PBS New­sHour fea­tured per­haps the out­let’s most rad­i­cal mem­ber, White House cor­re­spon­dent Lau­ra Bar­ron-Lopez, launch­ing a para­noid broad­side against the Trump cam­paign and the Her­itage Foundation’s col­lec­tion of pres­i­den­tial pol­i­cy pro­pos­als known as “Project 2025.”Guest anchor William Brang­ham set up Barron-Lopez’s rad­i­cal take, con­flat­ing priv­i­leges that fly in the face of biol­o­gy and com­mon sense (boys on girls’ sports teams, gen­i­tal surgery for minors) under the mis­lead­ing ban­ner of “civ­il rights”:Barron-Lopez explained that Trump’s “allies have draft­ed a sweep­ing doc­u­ment titled Project 2025…by the con­ser­vat …