EPA final­izes rule to cut emis­sions from freight trucks and bus­es and boost EVs

EPA finalizes rule to cut emissions from freight trucks and buses and boost EVs

The Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency final­ized a reg­u­la­tion on Fri­day curb­ing emis­sions from heavy-duty vehi­cles, part of over­all tailpipe rules the Biden admin­is­tra­tion is tout­ing as its most aggres­sive effort yet to boost elec­tric vehi­cles while com­bat­ing emis­sions that con­tribute to glob­al warm­ing. 
The final­ized rule would enact stronger tailpipe emis­sion stan­dards for vehi­cles, such as freight trucks and bus­es, that are cre­at­ed between 2027 and 2032. How­ev­er, the reg­u­la­tion dif­fers from its ini­tial pro­pos­al in that it would pro­vide flex­i­bil­i­ty for man­u­fac­tur­ers to meet the stan­dards in the ear­ly years of the pro­gram, as vehi­cle tech­nolo­gies and charg­ing infra­struc­ture devel­op. The reg­u­la­tion has been paired with anoth­er tailpipe emis­sions stan­dard reg­u­lat­ing light-duty vehi­cles, such as pas­sen­ger cars, that was final …