Texas Arrests 70 More Migrants Who Stormed El Paso Bor­der: Report

Posted in Trump
Texas Arrests 70 More Migrants Who Stormed El Paso Border: Report

Texas has report­ed­ly arrest­ed anoth­er 70 of the migrants who stormed the El Paso bor­der and assault­ed Nation­al Guard mem­bers ear­li­er this month.
The 70 migrants have been arrest­ed on mis­de­meanor riot­ing charges relat­ed to the March 21 inci­dent, the New York Post report­ed Fri­day.
The vio­lent inci­dent was caught on video, which shows a large group of adult male migrants tear­ing down fences with razor wire and push­ing up against sev­er­al Nation­al Guards­men, even­tu­al­ly over­whelm­ing them and rush­ing up to a tall bor­der wall.
Texas had already charged nine migrants on Wednes­day who were alleged­ly involved in the assault. They face charges of incit­ing a riot, dam­ag­ing prop­er­ty over $2,500, and assault on mem­bers of t …