Trump appeals judge’s deci­sion to keep Fani Willis on elec­tion inter­fer­ence case

Trump appeals judge’s decision to keep Fani Willis on election interference case

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and eight co-defen­dants filed an appeal on Fri­day of a judge’s deci­sion to allow Ful­ton Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney Fani Willis to con­tin­ue over­see­ing their elec­tion inter­fer­ence case in Geor­gia.
Attor­neys said in a brief filed with the Geor­gia Court of Appeals that Judge Scott McAfee made a “legal error” by not dis­miss­ing the case and by allow­ing Willis to remain in charge of the pros­e­cu­tion.
“While the tri­al court fac­tu­al­ly found DA Willis’s out-of-court state­ments were improp­er and Defen­dants proved an appar­ent con­flict of inter­est, the tri­al court erred as a mat­ter of law by not requir­ing dis­missal and DA Willis’ dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion,” the attor­neys wrote. “This legal error requires the Court’s imme­di­ate review.”
Trump and sev­er­al co-defen­dants had asked McAfee in Jan­u­ary to dis­miss the case and to dis­qual­i­fy Willis, argu­ing the dis­trict attorney’s rela­tion­ship with a spe­cial pros­ec …