Flori­da Democ­rats spar with His­pan­ic colum­nist over Biden out­reach event in Mia­mi

Florida Democrats spar with Hispanic columnist over Biden outreach event in Miami

The Demo­c­ra­t­ic His­pan­ic Cau­cus of Flori­da took aim at Mia­mi Her­ald colum­nist Fabi­o­la San­ti­a­go for her cri­tique of the launch of a His­pan­ic out­reach ini­tia­tive for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s cam­paign.
San­ti­a­go wrote a col­umn for the Mia­mi Her­ald on Fri­day titled “Three grin­gos in Coral Gables launch Biden-Har­ris Lati­no cam­paign. (Sad trom­bone.)” which took aim at the Biden cam­paign using three white peo­ple — invok­ing the con­tro­ver­sial term “gringo” in her col­umn — to reach out to His­pan­ic and Lati­no vot­ers for the Novem­ber elec­tion.
In her col­umn, San­ti­a­go belit­tles the Biden cam­paign for not using high-pro­file His­pan­ic allies of the pres­i­dent to announce the ini­tia­tive and argues it showed Democ­rats are not as seri­ous about flip­ping Flori­da as they are with oth­er bat­tle­ground states.
“It should be fer­tile ground for the oppo­si­tion. Yet, the stars of the elec­tion, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and Kamala Har­ri …