The DNC releas­es a diss track to Lara Trump’s new sin­gle

The DNC releases a diss track to Lara Trump’s new single

The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee released an AI-gen­er­at­ed song to mock Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee co-chair­woman Lara Trump.
“Party’s Falling Down” was uploaded to Sound­cloud the same day that Trump released her first orig­i­nal sin­gle, “Any­thing is Pos­si­ble.” Trump had teased the release of the song on X hours before it was released on Spo­ti­fy, Apple Music, Pan­do­ra, and Sound­cloud. The DNC’s track, its first in its his­to­ry, is under two min­utes and pokes fun at the Repub­li­can Par­ty, accus­ing it of being low on funds.
“Oh Lara, Lara, what have you done? (what have you done?)/The party’s fallin’ down, it’s no longer fun,” the lyrics go. “Oh Lara, Lara, can’t you see? (can’t you see?)/Your leadership’s sink­ing Trump’s GOP.”

“Lara Trump’s ‘music career’ is just like her time at the RNC so far: embar­rass­ing, unse­ri­ous, and a waste of mon­ey. But we can appre­ci­ate the effort — and want­ed to help Lara tell her own sto­ry ab …