Immi­grant crime ring tar­get­ing high-end homes as fam­i­lies leave for vaca­tion, Michi­gan sher­iff warns

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Immigrant crime ring targeting high-end homes as families leave for vacation, Michigan sheriff warns

High-end homes in Oak­land Coun­ty, one of the wealth­i­est coun­ties in Michi­gan, are being tar­get­ed by bur­glars who are linked to a South Amer­i­can theft group, accord­ing to Oak­land Coun­ty Sher­iff Michael Bouchard.
Reports of break-ins have come as fam­i­lies head for spring break vaca­tions, with bur­glars show­ing up in groups of three or four, tar­get­ing cash, safes, jew­el­ry, and high-end hand­bags, per ABC 7 Detroit. In late March, two homes were invad­ed, accord­ing to Bloom­field Town­ship police. 
“Peo­ple ask what com­mu­ni­ty or what neigh­bor­hood,” Bouchard said. “It’s not com­mu­ni­ty- or neigh­bor­hood-spe­cif­ic. It is tar­get-homes spe­cif­ic. Very high-end homes with prob­a­bly high-worth valu­ables in the home that back up to an obscure golf course, wood­ed area, pond. What­ev­er gives them access to come in unob­served.”
Reports of bur­glar­ies sparked last year, lead­ing author­i­ties to assem­ble a task force. Police are now encour­ag­ing res­i­dents in Oak­land …