Trump Media stock slumps after sky­rock­et­ing first-day rise

Posted in Trump
Trump Media stock slumps after skyrocketing first-day rise

Trump Media stock expe­ri­enced a sig­nif­i­cant fall in price after an ini­tial fren­zy on the company’s first list­ing last week.
The stock’s price slumped by rough­ly 20%, the New York Times report­ed, cut­ting its total val­ue by near­ly $2 bil­lion, fin­ish­ing the day at $6.5 bil­lion. For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s val­ue in the stock declined to $3.7 bil­lion from over $6 bil­lion last week. The end-day total marks a major decline from its peak of $10 bil­lion last week.
Trump Media, the par­ent com­pa­ny of Truth Social, is the most “short­ed” stock on Wall Street — one investors are bet­ting on to fail, accord­ing to the New York Times.
Trump him­self holds 60% of the stock, a per­cent­age he must hold for six months after the begin­ning of pub­lic trad­ing, as is a stip­u­la­tion of Trump Media’s board. Despite own­ing most of the stock, Trump is not on the sev­en-mem­ber board.
Last Tues­day, its first day, Trump Media was v …