News­Busters Pod­cast: Biden Lays an Egg on Trans­gen­der Day of East­er

NewsBusters Podcast: Biden Lays an Egg on Transgender Day of Easter

The hot item of the East­er week­end on con­ser­v­a­tive social media was Pres­i­dent Biden’s “com­pas­sion­ate” embrace of Trans­gen­der Day of Vis­i­bil­i­ty when it coin­cid­ed with East­er. Biden chose his woke-left vot­ers over church-going Chris­t­ian vot­ers. The media rushed to Biden’s defense. Man­ag­ing Edi­tor Cur­tis Houck reviews the hot takes on Biden and Trump on TV.
When con­ser­v­a­tives began tweet­ing, the Stel­ters of the world start­ed the so-called “fact check­ing.” The date of East­er moves around and our Trans­gen­der Day does not! So they did­n’t put their Trans­gen­der Day on East­er on pur­pose! but Biden chose to hon­or it.  This should be a sticky wick­et for Biden, but it wasn’t. It was a no-brain­er on the Left. 
Mean­while, the cable net­works quick­ly broke out the lat­est Trump attack, that he spent the Chris­t­ian holy day unload­ing his Truth Social mes­sages. Sud­den­ly East­er was too holy for Trump …