Schumer Announces Sen­ate Will ‘Con­sid­er Leg­isla­tive Options’ To End ‘Judge Shop­ping’

Schumer Announces Senate Will ‘Consider Legislative Options’ To End ‘Judge Shopping’

Major­i­ty Leader Chuck Schumer (D‑NY) said on Mon­day the Sen­ate will con­sid­er “leg­isla­tive options” after a fed­er­al court in Texas reject­ed a guid­ance against the so-called “prac­tice of judge shop­ping.”
The top Demo­c­rat issued a post to X that bemoaned how the North­ern Dis­trict of Texas decid­ed to “keep allow­ing the odi­ous prac­tice” after it reject­ed guide­lines from the Judi­cial Con­fer­ence of the Unit­ed States.
“Judge shop­ping has been abused by right-wing activists to sub­vert the will of the peo­ple,” Schumer said. “The Sen­ate will con­sid­er leg­isla­tive options to put an end to this mis­guid­ed prac­tice.”

The North­ern Dis­trict of Texas has decid­ed to …