Trump tax: Most vot­ers sup­port Donald’s pol­i­cy move that experts say could make infla­tion worse

Trump tax: Most voters support Donald’s policy move that experts say could make inflation worse

Despite the warn­ings of econ­o­mists, a new poll shows most vot­ers sup­port for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s plan to place an addi­tion­al 10% tar­iff on imports.
Polling con­duct­ed by J.L. Part­ners and the Dai­ly­Mail reveals that almost a quar­ter of vot­ers “strong­ly sup­port” the tar­iffs, and anoth­er 30% also sup­port the fee. Only 16% of vot­ers do not agree with Trump’s pro­tec­tion­ist pol­i­cy, as the tax will be absorbed by U.S. busi­ness­es and fam­i­lies and lead to infla­tion.
“Vot­ers are not in the detail of the eco­nom­ics,” James John­son, co-founder of J.L. Part­ners, told the Dai­ly­Mail. “To them, it is instinc­tive: pro­tect­ing Amer­i­ca an …