CNN: Focus­ing On Ille­gal Immi­grant Mur­ders Demo­nizes ‘Brown Folks’

In the world of CNN, Don­ald Trump and con­ser­v­a­tive media’s focus on ille­gal immi­grant mur­der­ers is just an attempt to blame “brown folks” for all of the country’s prob­lems. Inside Pol­i­tics host Dana Bash and nation­al pol­i­tics cor­re­spon­dent Eva McKend’s Mon­day assess­ment came as Trump trav­eled to Michi­gan, where a young woman was recent­ly mur­dered by an ille­gal immi­grant.
Before the table dis­cus­sion, cor­re­spon­dent Alay­na Treene was in Michi­gan to set the scene, “And as part of that crime push, …